
Liaison: Kathleen Sarmiento

Address: 760 NW 107 Avenue, Ste 214, Miami, FL 33172
Phone Number: 305-670-6500

For more information about the event, including the address and directions, please refer to the contact information.

Date Time Event Location County Contact Information More Information
2/22/2025 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. S Dade Chamber of Commerce Health Fair Homestead Hospital, 975 Baptist Way, Homestead FL 33033 Dade Mark Texidor, Chairman, SDCCchiefofstaff@southdadechamber.org
2/22/2025 10:00AM-2PM 18th Annual Health and Wellness Fair Historic St. John A.M.E. Church, S. Miami 6461 SW 59th Pl, South Miami, FL 33143-3507 Dade Rev. Gladys Turner (305)667-7937
2/27/2025 4:00pm-7:00pm North Miami Adult Education Center Health Fair 13110 NE 8th Avenue, North Miami, FL 33161 Dade DIEUDONNE, NATACHA Organizer 786-436-6605 307467@dadeschools.net
2/28/2025 11:00a.m. - 2:00 p.m. North Miami Beach Health Fair 17051 NE 19th Avenue Dade Gilberte Harris (305)787-6040 ext. 2972
3/1/2025 9am-1pm Miami Dade College Medical Campus-Annual Community Health Fair Miami Dade College Medical Campus, 950 N.W. 20th Street, Miami, FL 33127 Dade (305) 237-4440, Email: MedicalHealthFair@mdc.edu
5/3/2025 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Passageway Mental Health Fair 2255 NW 10th Avenue, Miami, FL 33127 Dade Gipsy I. Garcia Office Manager, Passageway Residence of Dade County, Ph: 305-635-9106 ext. 10
5/20/2025 10:00am-2:00pm Elder Affairs Advisory Board Older Adult Resource Fair Milander Center For Arts and Entertainment, 4800 Palm Avenue, Hialeah, FL 33012 Dade Katherine Bolt, Program Officer, Office of Community Advocacy, Phone: (305) 375-3025
Elder Interior